Machines and accessories
Innovation & Technology
About us


Acting in accordance with the laws, aligning our actions with relevant and applicable regulations, but also with our values and the interests of society, are the primary objectives of KOKI Group. To ensure that these goals are achieved, internal guidelines have been drawn up, employees receive regular training and all decisions are continuously checked and scrutinized to ensure that they correspond to our own corporate and compliance goals and requirements and that they are adhered to.

In addition, in this respect we do not disregard our supply chains and also encourage our suppliers to act in accordance with the laws and to comply with international standards and regulations, in particular with regard to compliance with and respect for human rights and environmental protection requirements.

Deviations and (potential) violations of laws and our internal guidelines, in particular our Codes of Conduct, can be submitted by both employees and external parties, e.g. business partners such as suppliers, customers etc., to the internal reporting office via the reporting channels listed below. Reports are treated confidentially. If a suspicion is proved to be true, appropriate measures will be taken.

We have set up various reporting channels through which reports can be submitted:





Chief Compliance Officer
+ 49 (0)7022 – 72 3111



Metabowerke GmbH
Chief Compliance Officer
Metabo-Allee 1
D-72622 Nürtingen

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